Recent Posts by Cal Phillips

CBD Cannabis Edibles Cures Lymphoma Cancer

CBD Cannabis Edibles Cures Lymphoma Cancer CBD cannabis edibles cures lymphoma cancer in home, Really? Are you kidding me? There has been many studies, doctrines, also formulations extending life with lymphoma cancer. Learning CBD, cannabis edible cures for any cancer was so exciting to hear recently. Always remembering no cancer cures was ever known to…

Root Causes Paint Blisters, Bubbles, Chips, Or Peels

Root Causes Paint Blisters, Bubbles, Chip, Or Peel Main causes & solutions for both paint failures types being that of blistering, bubbling or other form being cracking, chipping, or peeling. This article also covers main reasons, how to correct each one, helping interior or exterior painted surfaces within your home. Being able to determine correct…

How To Avoid Paint Flashing, Streaks, Lap Marks On Walls

Avoid Paint Flashing, Streaks, Lap Marks On Wall Knowing how to avoid paint flashing, streaks, or lap marks will keep your sanity when using a roller. This article describes painter's tips, tricks, as well as knowledge not having any of these inconsistencies on walls, after painting is completed. First, let's define paint flashing. Paint flashing…

Can I Use Ceiling Paint On Walls Or Wall Paint On Ceilings

Wonder If I Can Use Ceiling Paint On Walls? Thinking if I can use ceiling paint on walls, doors or trim? Or question if you can use wall paint on ceilings? Are getting ready painting interior of home? Laying out a few things to be aware, which we'll go over. Will discuss typical interior ceiling…