Best White Paint for Kitchen Cabinets
Knowing the very best White paint to use, painting your kitchen cabinets is extremely important for several reasons, mainly because there is so much work involved painting kitchen cabinets. So finding the White paint from the start is your best line of defense, when getting ready to update your kitchen cabinets, painting them White.
Will walk you though our experience and recommendations, thereby you gaining over 40 years of data, tapping in on our knowledge and expertise, understanding what painting professionals use, here in Colorado, painting kitchen cabinets White with the very best paints available today.
White or What Kitchen Paint Questions to Ask Yourself
Before we get started, have a few questions for you. Have you ever painted a shelf in your pantry or closet, letting it dry several days before putting anything back on it? And when you did, the item stuck to the paint, knowing full well it had dried properly. Thinking to yourself, "What is wrong with this paint?", or "Did I not stir it properly?", or "Did I get a bad batch of paint?". Well, I'm sure you did everything properly, following directions to a tee, bar none, but most-likely, you latched onto the wrong type of interior paint. Maybe because the label looked nice, or the price point was where you wanted to pay for a gallon of paint, not sure. Not certain the reason you picked up the wrong White paint, but not all semi-gloss paints are made the same. Understanding the best paint sheen for kitchen cabinets is either semi-gloss or high gloss enamel. However, even then, just getting the best paint sheen is still not all you need to know, but getting close.
Need to ask yourself what paint color will I be happy with long term? Knowing this project is not for the faint-hearted, doing it yourself, or paying this to be done professionally. Best to paint a sample on an 8'' X 10'' piece of heavy card stock, we call this in the painting industry, ''Draw down''. This gets it's name by using a special tool, pulling a blob of paint down the card, letting it dry. However, you can use a disposable foam brush, throwing it away after using. Laying this dried sample, leaning it up next to your existing cabinets, taking as much time to approve as you wish.
Another question to ask yourself is, you ready for this? Do you want to keep your existing hardware, knobs, and pulls, hinges, and guides, or replace them. Best to do this Before painting, and in between replacing counter-tops if you are considering guides. Much easier to replace drawer guides when the counter-top is removed. Just saying! I know, I've been there, having done both scenarios, and believe you me, having the counter-tops off, replacing drawer guides is much easier, than crawling up into your base cabinet. Not only is this a great tip, but when it comes to painting, you want to mask hinges with Blue tape, cutting left-overs with a razor knife, having an exquisite end result.
One more question comes to mind. When do you want to do this, knowing your kitchen will be almost out of commission during this process. Yes, you can still hit the fridge, but everything will be on a limited basis. Stove, sink, dishwasher, microwave will be masked off until this is finished.
I'm sure there are a lot more questions, but these come to mind.
Kitchen Cabinets Painted White is Today's Trend
Trends come and go, paint is no different that clothing, appliances, phones, cars, and other things we use on a daily basis. Trends tend to come back many years later, revitalizing some things we used to enjoy. But believe you me, hope pagers, and landlines do not follow the same patterns, being trendy once again. Painting kitchen cabinets White has been one of the newest painting trends since late 90's, bar none. Do not see this going away anytime very soon. White kitchens seems to a line itself with clean, inviting, and enjoyable. Whites go well with any number of other home improvement additions such as granite, stainless steel appliances, and stone back splashes. However, having the very best White paint on your kitchen cabinets will ensure a life of enjoyment, staying current with today's paint trends, and home decor.
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Sheen is Important
Understanding paint sheen is key, before painting your kitchen cabinets White for several reasons. First, you don't want to have to paint your kitchen cabinets over, because you used the wrong paint sheen. Second, some sheen-s clean much better than others. Have you ever tried cleaning a wall with a wet sponge, only to find the paint coming off, seeing the Sheetrock underneath? Well, most-likely was a Flat paint sheen, similar to a caulk board. Your paint sheen is how it will feel when you run your hand across it.
Eggshell is not a paint color, but a paint sheen, second on the list. Eggshell looks flat, but feels shiny. This is good in walls where a lot of traffic is present. Also good in ceilings where one ceiling texture meets another, popcorn to knockdown texture, both enjoying the same look and feel.
Finally Semi-gloss is generally used on trim, doors, cabinets, and wood finishes. Giving the effect of very smooth, and durable paint coating. White semi-gloss is the most popular paint used for this type of surfaces, giving the ability to see and clean any dirt present, and best used on your kitchen cabinets, islands, and bars.
Sure, all Semi-gloss paint sheen-s are similar in the amount of gloss, noting that all paint manufactures paint sheen-s are just a little different, so no way can you touch-up using Benjamin-Moore just in spots, when the complete surface was painted using Sherwin-Williams, just as pure White colors are also off just a tad, from one manufacture to another. So touching up with White paint, you'd better use the same exact product, same color, from the exact paint supplier you did originally.
What Kind of Paint to Use on Unfinished Cabinets?
This is one of the most important tips painting kitchen cabinets White. Knowing which paints to use on unfinished cabinets, are actually the same ones to use on finished ones. However proper steps mentioned below is vital for any professional paint finish, even more so for kitchen cabinets. Unfinished kitchen cabinets are typically rare. Even the natural ones have a non-noticeable protection to the unfinished wood. Having a sealer, lacquer with a matte finish makes the appearance almost unbeknown. So unless you are sure you have unfinished cabinets, you may want to take a closer look.
This is important either way, in that you will want to use a high bonding primer when you are ready to start painting. Fresh new cut wood needs to be sanded first, removing tiny fragments of wood particulates. Carefully sanding with the grain, as if you sand against or across the grain, will leave scratches, making the paint level even more than it has to. Paint is not smart, and only goes on a substrate that is clean, and sound. Wanting a smooth substrate is key, as well as cleaning, dusting, having no foreign matter under the coatings. Once priming is completed, you're ready for using the best White kitchen paints available to you.
We generally use lacquer thinner on a rag, with proper safety procedures and ventilation, wiping down, cleaning every square inch of paint surfaces first. Once dried, lacquer thinners allows the primers (latex or oil) to penetrate, bonding to the surface, than any thing else on the shelf at your local department store.
XIM Advanced Technology UMA®Brand White
UMA’s advanced technology has both primer and adhesive-like properties. A quick drying, white bonding primer / sealer that provides excellent adhesion. Can be tinted. for tough-to-paint surfaces: glass, tile, Formica, metals, many plastics, wood and other construction materials including Kynar® and silicone polyester pre-coated siding.
Best White Kitchen Paints
Best White Cabinet paints recommended below, ensures a quality kitchen cabinet painting job from the get-go. Having many years of durability, proper adhesion and leveling will look like those cabinets were painted in the factory, having a hard car finish, and not some fly-by-night painting job. We have spray painted many kitchen and bathroom cabinets over the years for our clientele, and not one warranty question speaks highly.
Top 2 White Cabinet Paints Available on the Market Today for Your Kitchen
ProClassic® Interior Waterbased Acrylic-Alkyd Enamel is a tough and durable coating that enhances the look of doors, trim, cabinets and furniture. Excellent adhesion, flow, and leveling, non-yellowing and a unique wet and dry hide makes ProClassic® a perfect choice.
Benjamin Moore™
ADVANCE® Interior Paint
A premium quality, waterborne alkyd paint that offers a full line of durable high-end finishes ideal for doors, trim and cabinetry.
In Closing, Before Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets White,
Hope you've enjoyed reading this material, and best of luck with your next cabinet painting job. Never have to worry about not knowing which White paint to buy, before diving into a very large project! Like to hear from you with any comments below, and if you're in the Denver, CO. area, needing the top level painters, in Denver painting contractor, having over 40 years experience, Give Us a Call!
[…] your kitchen cabinets Black. Knowing most kitchen cabinets are painted White, and finding the very best White paint is high on the list of considerations. Reading both articles, you too will be an expert painting […]