Best Info Soliciting Google My Business Page
Wanting to share a quick blog article with you regarding the best information regarding the various companies who solicit your Google My Business Page I have found.
If your Google My Business page is not showing up in the 3-pack, you may very well have problems with your listing, and this solicitation may be helpful, optimizing your free Google My Business Page.
However, if it does show up, and your still getting calls from various companies across the web, soliciting your Google My Business Page, keep reading! Knowing full well the call is bogus, here's what you need to do.
Best Idea for Google My Business Page Solicitors
Making it all to easy getting the best idea for all those solicitors hounding you for a monthly contract helping your Free Google My Business Listing. Used to get several calls a day, until I started using this method. The typical idea all evolves being patient, listening to the call completely. Know your time is very valuable, but this will pay off in the long run, saving you countless calls, and time.
Listen to the Call Completely
Listen to the call completely, waiting for the prompt to be removed from the list of phone numbers they typically call, generally pressing 9. Instead of hanging up as soon as you get the call, as this is the normal thing to do. Maybe at some point, these types of businesses will get the message, they are full of crap!
Update 4/18/18 - Don't Have To Listen Of Entire Recording
What I have learned since publishing this article is most recordings instruct you to press either 2, 7, or 9 to be placed on their ''Do Not Call List''. So, I am not waiting until the call is finished, just plucking away keys 2, 7, and or 9, until the call hangs up. They always do once you press the number, and this way you don't have to listen to all their garbage first, taking up your valuable time.
Hope this helps you with your time management, as it has for us. Just spending a little longer listening to the entire call, opting out at the end of it. As we provide top painters in Denver, as one of the best Denver painting contractors, our solicitations for this has dropped off dramatically, being able to spend more quality time where it counts. I just hope this article does not spur on even more calls such as this, as it floats across the web.
Best of Luck with Your Business!