10 Key Points: Cost Painting Exterior Trim
Knowing paint cost is primary factor, when considering to paint exterior trim, there are a few key points to be aware of, that you may have not initially thought. This article will dive deep into the actual cost solely painting your exterior trim.
Few important tips to be aware of, thinking of only painting exterior trim.
Exterior trim paint cost is a large portion of the entire painting process of most structures, specifically homes. Many conversations in the painting industry each and every year touches on this subject.
There are many homeowners, painters, painting contractors, also online venues discussing this topic, here are a few key points of interest you may want to consider.
Having discussed this topic numerous times over the years, I am compelled to write about this very popular topic. Being a painter, painting contractor well over forty years, I can't tell you how many times this has been brought up in discussions.
Matter of fact, just received a call, making an appointment to see a homeowner who is requesting this very thing, while writing this particular article.
When this topic arises, and being a authority on this subject, I must convey some very important knowledge I've gained, with you in mind, hopefully saving you hundreds, if not thousands later on.
Most Time, Cost To Paint Exterior Trim Stems From A Budget Perspective
Generally the question of the cost or price to paint exterior trim is asked from an economic basis. "Wondering just what it would cost to paint the trim boards, as they look the worst", is a very common request.
First thinking of painting less, costing less, is not always your best advice, especially in this case, understanding how a home is fully painted, and the processes involved.
Just like anything, painting exteriors included, you wouldn't go to your doctor and expect the best outcome, requesting a half form of treatment, would you? Or go to your dentist and expect all your teeth exceptionally white, only cleaning half of them, would you? Same scenario protecting the outside of your home!
This is where you have to stop and ask yourself, when was the home last painted? Is the trim paint same age as the rest of the home? If the answer is yes, please keep reading.
Important Points to Consider Cost Painting Trim
Age of Last Paint Job
If the siding and trim paint both painted the same time years ago, but today only the trim looks the worst, you can bet the farm, siding needs a fresh coat of paint as well. Now, if that is the case, siding paint has flattened out, feeling like a chalk board, not protecting the valuable siding either.
"Oh, but my trim boards are peeling." Well, that may be true, however, rarely does the siding peel, as it just fades, dries out, and stops protecting harmful moisture from seeping in.
- If trim is peeling, you can bet siding paint is same age also, not protecting
Painters Caulk Not Included in Cost Painting Trim
The cost of painting an exterior includes painters caulk to seal trim boards to the adjacent siding it is attached. However, when considering only painting trim boards, and not siding, it is nearly impossible to caulk everything you wish, without painting the siding, since you should get and will get caulk on the siding also.
Once caulking is completed, normally the trim is painted on the front surface, we call that "Front facing", as most homes are painted that way. Another alternative is painting the trim on all 3 sides, namely referred to as "3D" the trim. Either way, painting only the trim, and not the complete exterior, no caulk is used, which can be a big mistake down the road. Are you starting to see the bigger picture?
- No painters caulk used when painting exterior trim
- Does not matter if Front facing or 3D the trim, no caulk is used when only painting the trim, and not entire exterior
Most people who want painting, also want new caulking, knowing how important sealing cracks, crevices, and air can be. Painters caulk does just that, sealing most boards connecting at ninety degrees, around windows, doors, fascia, soffit, and exterior transition pieces.
Not caulking nor painting siding is just asking for trouble, and expensive siding replacements down the road.
Just as many who ask on a regular basis, how much to just paint the trim, the same number, if not more ask if we caulk, knowing how important this portion of exterior painting is.
Time Is The Main Factor Determining Cost Painting Trim
Time is the main factor determining cost painting outside trim. Brushing and rolling is about 75% longer of time of spraying, using only 15% the amount of paint during the same time span.
So when you are trying to figure the cost to paint only your trim, it is typically 60% of the entire house paint job, with no painters caulk included in the job.
Cost To Paint Trim Opposed To Cost Painting Siding
Comparing the cost painting your trim from painting the siding is a direct relation to time.
Time is money, and in the exterior painting world, most exterior trim is done by hand, using a brush and/or roller method. Consequently taking more time to paint a given area than a spray method.
Time equals money for what ever you feel like your time is worth, and direct cost of paint itself is a matter of fact. Pinpoint cost of which ever grade and quality of paint you choose.
Actual paint cost for gallon of paint is mute, when comparing the cost to paint the trim, because you have to use something don't you? Therefore it's all about time!
- Time is main factor of cost painting trim
- Cost of paint itself is a matter of fact, a direct cost for both siding and trim
If your home would generally fall around $4500.00 to paint your entire home, just painting the trim would run close to $2700.00. Another $1800.00 would get you a full entire paint job, with all the preparations, sealing, caulking, Spackle, and complete protective coating for the much needed siding, which by the way is much more expensive to replace than the actual trim boards themselves.
I would like to see Fiver or Fixer pay $500.00 painting trim for a $1500.00 average exterior paint job, no telling what it would look like! The old adage saying, "You get what you pay for" could never be more correct.
Appears Fixer is confused comparing apples and oranges with square foot and liner feet of trim above. Therefore, do not ever believe everything you read on the internet, especially the cost to paint trim.
- Painting trim is about 60% of entire house painting job, no matter how you cut it
- Full paint job is $4500.00, painting trim will be approx. $2700.00 w/no caulking
- 1500 sq. ft. home's trim will cost much more than $500.00, which ever type of paint you plan using
- Don't believe everything you may see on the internet, in this example it is wrong!
Having To Paint Siding Later On
Another key point to consider is if you are figuring the cost of painting trim alone, not your complete house, this is opposite of best building practices in our painting industry for several reasons I will mention.
- Best Trade Practices In Painting Industry
As paint warranties would be too convoluted, never be applied from a reputable paint contractor, only painting a portion of the home.
Knowing How A House Is Painted
You are your best teacher, learning and knowing how a home is painted in proper order will save you countless dollars, and/or eventually time if you are doing this yourself.
Once all the preparation is accomplished including caulking, all the masking is done, the larger areas such as siding is sprayed, overlapping the trim. Essentially getting an extra partial coat of paint on it. Then after the siding is fully painted, it is time to paint the trim, usually by brush and roll methods, either Front face or costing more to 3D.
If you try to reinvent the wheel, changing the typical ways of painting a home, will certainly cost you much more money & time down the road. Which is why most people tend to have the entire home painted when the trim is showing failure.
How could this cost more money later?
First, let's say you had your trim painted this year with Sherwin-Williams Emerald Life-time paint. Sherwin-Williams top shelf, very best exterior paint, ha again with no caulk used. Your time looks great! A couple years later, you must paint siding before it rots off your home, (as shown in the photo below).
However, you wish not to paint your Life-time trim paint the next go-around; Well, the painter or contractor will certainly charge you more, having to mask off the trim, to allow the siding sprayed. So you are not really getting ahead, getting something painted cheaper by no means.
Lastly, and not only that, but as quickly as years roll by, you will have to keep up with which year trim was painted, verses the siding, giving you more work keeping up with your paint warranty.
Therefore, it makes perfect sense to paint your entire home, caulking, painting siding and trim, in that order.
The Cost Of Painting Trim Should Be Included, Painting Entire Exterior
Making the points above, I hope I have opened many eyes into wondering what the cost of painting trim would be, in comparison of painting entire home's exterior. Realizing the first thought would be costing less, just having the trim freshened up.
Unfortunately you and your pocketbook is best served, having the entire home repainted all at once, protecting valuable exterior.
Reviewing the cost just painting exterior trim, you are really better off waiting another year, having your entire exterior painted all at one time, and not trying to piece meal the paint process, again for the following 10 reasons;
- Siding paint is same age as the trim, not protecting either
- Time is the main cost painting exterior trim, not the paint itself
- Cost of painting trim outside is typically 60% of entire exterior paint job
- Key important part of exterior painting is caulking, sealing cracks, keeping weather proof
- Understanding the painting order or process; Caulk, spray, brush & roll
- No caulk is used when just painting trim boards on the exterior substrate
- Too confusing wondering which year trim was painted verses siding
- Separating trim and siding paint will certainly cost you more in the long run
- Saving time and money, not trying to reinvent the painting process
- Cost of painting trim only is not economically feasible to your pocketbook or siding in general, potentially costing much more down the road
In Conclusion;
Look forward to any comments below! Also if needing professional painters in Denver making your property shine once again, Look no further than Eco Paint, Inc.
[…] Main reason for this is most trim is painted by hand, being a brush & roller method. As you might be aware, time is money, and the cost of painting only trim is much greater than painting the walls itself, in most cases, normally costing around 60% of entire house painting job. Yes, using less paint, painting trim only, but doing it correctly will require much more time on your part. Could go into this further, knowing there are at least 10 important tips of the actual cost, painting trim, but will refer you to cost painting exterior trim.… Read more »
[…] actually seen countless examples where painting exterior trim was neglected without paint, thereby requiring all this wood product needing replaced first. So, […]
[…] Exterior trim paint cost is a large portion of the entire painting process of most structures, specifically homes. Many conversations in the painting industry each and every year touches on this subject. There are many homeowners, painters, painting contractors, also online venues discussing this topic, here are a few key points of interest you may want to consider. Cost To Paint Exterior Trim – Important Tips – Eco Paint, Inc. […]
[…] =”cs_link” href=”https://www.paintingdenver.net/uncategorized/cost-to-paint-exterior-trim-important-tips/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Cost To Paint Exterior Trim – […]
[…] Exterior trim paint cost is a large portion of the entire painting process of most structures, specifically homes. Many conversations in the painting industry each and every year touches on this subject. There are many homeowners, painters, painting contractors, also online venues discussing this topic, here are a few key points of interest you may want to consider. Cost To Paint Exterior Trim – Important Tips – Eco Paint, Inc. […]
[…] Exterior trim paint cost is a large portion of the entire painting process of most structures, specifically homes. Many conversations in the painting industry each and every year touches on this subject. There are https://www.google.com/maps/place/Colortrends+Painting/@40.595528,-105.09755,9z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd3b7e3b2a12f3c99!8m2!3d40.595528!4d-105.09755?hl=en-US , painters, painting contractors, also online venues discussing this topic, here are a few key points of interest you may want to consider. Cost To Paint Exterior Trim – Important Tips – Eco Paint, Inc. […]
[…] If only painting trim, not entire exterior, beware! There are some very important tips regarding cost to paint exterior trim, you really need to know. What is included, what is […]
[…] portions, along with all the trim is still going to cost them several hundred dollars. Knowing the cost to paint exterior trim, several other important factors should be […]
[…] These important steps preparing exterior trim coincide, painting complete exterior homes as well. Keep this in mind though; If trim is showing age, probably your entire house needs a fresh coat also. Additional information can be found as to, most exteriors painted, trim also siding is painted same time. […]
[…] If you are in the market painting exterior trim, chances are your siding is just as old as the trim paint you are fixing to cover. You'd be best served painting full exterior, than only a portion of the outside. Main reason is the cost of painting trim. […]