What Are Best Exterior Lifetime Paints – 2019

What Are Best Exterior Lifetime Paints For 2019?


Great question wondering which best exterior lifetime paint wins 2019. Top exterior paints rated against typical exterior paints of lesser value. Several differences within set of lifetime paints, lasting forever. Knowing qualities, applications, also warranties.

Before shelling out several hundred dollars, choosing right one. Being well versed with all major paints claiming to last a lifetime, living up to all your expectations. Getting these questions almost on a daily basis, happy to explain in layman's terminology.

Being a painting contractor, not writing as a research scientist, or engineer explaining differences in best exterior paints, being those of lifetime paints.

Just What Do I Get With Lifetime Paints In 2019

Besides costing more than twice, upgrading to lifetime paint, you will get a host of improved qualities, found in premium value exterior paints.



Other than getting a paint having a lifetime paint warranty, what is added into these top graded exterior paints is primer. All lifetime warranty paints, lasting forever, have primers included into it's formulation.



Much research goes in, having resounding, lasting qualities in each lifetime paint formulation today.

Years of field testing, working in labs, mathematical equations, with different chemical makeups go into each paint, similar to rolling out a new innovative tool.

Paint qualities in general have improved 100%, compared to just ten years ago. Today, lifetime paints being more fade resistant. Paint fade is the first sign paint ages. Once that is noticed, paint has begun breaking down, not protecting near as well.

Today, lifetime paints having superior qualities in all four areas, outlasting other exterior paint choices.

"But wait a minute, lifetime paint is lifetime, so what's the difference?"

Well, just like buying a car. All same model, but some have better features. Many features you do not even see, opening the can. I've written another article, reviewing, comparing lifetime paints, going into greater detail.

So, What Is The Best Exterior Lifetime Paint In 2019?

Have to understand how paint is graded by National Paint Institute.

How Paint Is Graded?

So if paint does not fade near as fast as older paints, makes sense they will last much longer. Knowing how paint is graded, four criteria determining grade, with paint fade being one.

  • Paint fade
  • Elasticity
  • Elongation
  • Tensile Strength


One Coat Application

OK, besides having primers added, lifetime paints require only one heavy even coat. Saving product amount, realizing these will have a higher adhesion, or bonding capability.

If a paint can outlast another, only requiring one coat, plus a major paint manufacture is putting their name on it, you can bet a dime to a doughnut it's much better.

Primers Added

Think of it this way. If you were warranting anything, especially for a lifetime, you'd want to make sure everything was properly primed first, wouldn't you? Well, that's exactly what major paint manufactures are doing.

You cannot buy, nor take out primers added to lifetime paints. Which by the way, ensures this paint will last a lifetime. Also being resistant to fade.

Even adding high bonding primers to paint base in manufacturing plants, you can still get same exact choice of colors, also matching from one manufacture to another, now in our digital age.

Paint Color Selections

Every paint store has gone digital mixing colors, so any paint store you prefer, can match another stores choice of colors. You still need to provide color name, number, and ideally a color chip when cross matching from one store to another.

Depending upon paint base, color selection, with all lifetime paints are included in this convenient, endless free house paint color apps, available to us.

Mildew Resistant

Agreeing lifetime paints are now fade resistant, keeping it's sheen much longer. This allows water to roll, dripping off of siding much easier, also quicker. Thereby being more mildew resistant.

If water sits on anything too long, microorganisms can find a place to flourish. Mildew causes man-made sidings, also wood to rot. So, covering with a paint which resists Mildew at a higher degree, with advance technology makes perfect sense.

Paint Warranties

All exterior paints have a warranty. Warrants paint against bubbling, blistering, cracking, chipping, peeling for a given time. However, no warranty against paint fade. Remembering paint fade is the first sign paint is aging.

Once paint has faded out, it is not protecting any longer, and bet either you want to repaint, or your HOA is asking you to paint your exterior. With that being said, lifetime paints are more fade resistant, adding years to the quality you already expect.

Careful though, some major paint manufactures call their choice lifetime, but include limitations, being a Limited Lifetime Paint. Yes, primers built into formulation, but may require two coats, not just one.

Understanding paint warranties, similar to Goodyear™, Micheline™, Firestone™ tires, everything is prorated. Very easy making a claim, once submitted, an inspection will be scheduled.

But even that, same goes for best interior paints are much higher quality than those having a 10 to 25 year warranty. So if you can afford a premium paint, lasting forever now, will save much later on.


Below, A List Of Top-shelf Lifetime Paints

BEHR® Marquee












Valspar® Duramax®




Sherwin-Williams™ Emerald®




Main Differences Using Lifetime Paints

  • Only one coat
  • Added primers
  • Field support staff
  • Documentation details
  • Saving time & money down the road

Some having limited lifetime paint warranties, while others have a 100% full lifetime paint warranty. All have primers added, but limited lifetime paints may require two complete coats, while ones without limitations require only one coat.

As hinted earlier, getting many advantages you don't even see, opening the can, is field support. Sherwin-Williams™, also BEHR™, excels in these areas. Documenting purchase, application, paint colors, address, notes on file in their data base.

Extreme bonding primers added to each lifetime paint choice, knowing it'll adhere. Looking great long after it's applied, being fade resistant, keeping original sheen.

Field representatives may even drop by, checking how well paint is being applied, putting on required mil thickness.

You get all this with Sherwin-Williams™ Emerald®, being the best for 2019, hands down!

Considering all advanced paint technology, saving money & labor, not having to paint exterior of your home again, in your lifetime. If you need the best Denver painters helping you on the Denver Front Range, give us a call.

Hope you now know differences in lifetime paints. If so, please like, share, ping, and/or comment below.


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