10 Best Interior Paint Brands 2019 - Reviews
Needing to buy paint for a coveted interior? Rewarding indoor surfaces with best paints, by top paint manufactures, available today. Evaluating latest paints flat, matte, pearl, eggshell, semi gloss, gloss, as well as high gloss paint finishes saving time & money.
Needing an interior paint you can be happy with many years to come, laying all this out before you. Our recommendations are the same paints we use, having excellent results.
Before we get into each paint one by one, wanted to get something out in the open.
As a painter & painting contractor well over 40 years, I have seen a vast amount of improvement with all indoor paints coming almost full circle. Dating back from a Tom Sawyer white wash paint coating, to advanced ones, now having primers built into the base. You now have the luxury purchasing a wealth of technology, research and development over same time span, going full circle with improvements.
Each paint manufacture listed, spends millions upon millions each year improving their prized paints. Ensuring you have an enjoyable interior painting experience. Every paint listed, provides exceptional coverage, uniformity, durability as well as protection, with a ton of lab research and development (R & D) taking place.
Speaking from an authority on the subject, having used many of these already, new paints come out like new cars do, with the latest ones each year seen on new lots in last quarter of each year. New paints & formulations have now arrived in paint stores for everyone's enjoyment.
- Best Interior Flat Paints For 2019
- Superior Matte, Pearl, Satin Paints
- Top Indoor Eggshell Paints Now In 2019
- Ideal Interior Semi gloss For 2019
- Choice Interior Gloss For 2019
Best Interior Flat Paints For You In 2019
Best flat paints are dullest of interior finishes, hiding the most imperfections.Flat paints widely used on smooth level 5 walls, for a professional, easy to touch up appearance.The top interior flat paints give you the highest scrubs, without harming, having to repaint. Knowing the cheapest interior flat paints will come off with just a damp rag.
Next time your in a doctor's office, take a look around, chances are flat paints have been applied. Having no paint sheen whatsoever, one's eyes can focus on something else more important in the room.
This is why most ceilings enjoy flat paints, and Sherwin-Williams™ Eminence® high performance ceiling paint will work best. Covering over darker colors with only one good coat! Making your next ceiling painting much more productive, enjoying getting to paint walls much quicker, if that is in the program.
Eminence® is the best high hide flat paint, covering exceptionally well, also giving highest color retention.
Superior Indoor Matte, Pearl, & Satin Paints For 2019
When mixing & matching matte, pearl, & satin paints within the same paint job, a superior brand is none other than Sherwin-Williams™ Cashmere®.
For an ultra-smooth, rich, silky finish, count on Cashmere®. This paint easily glides off the brush or roller and the result is a difference you can definitely see and feel. Cashmere is our most forgiving paint, offers outstanding coverage and is perfect for painters with limited experience.
Having used this in the last several interior jobs, we are sold with ease, spread-ability, and coverage. Also having highest color retention, resistant to fade, Cashmere® is ideal.
Top Indoor Eggshell Paints Now In 2019
If you are looking for a commercial grade paint, having an eggshell paint sheen, this paint comes in flat, eggshell, as well as semi-gloss sheens. This is our go-to for eggshell, allowing the easiest flow, allowing ample coverage, and uniformity. Laying this on now coming with paint and primer in one, new for 2019.
Covering with added primer in an already superior eggshell finish, we could not be happier using it. Costing a tad bit more, just like anything for 2019, generally increasing 5% from 2018's prices, this added primer is well worth every penny of extra cost this year ahead.
Ideal Interior Semi gloss Paints For 2019
If you are in the market in 2019, for a semi-gloss paint that will stand the test of time, look no further than Emerald® from Sherwin-Williams™. Combining newest formulation, with an oil urethane semi gloss, but enjoying a water cleanup, this one is it.
Yes, urethane does smell a bit more than Green Earth Friendly paints, however this one is still has the lowest when it comes to urethanes. Keeping air quality at it's best, knowing you'll never have to paint again because of discoloration. Works well painting trim, baseboards, doors, & cabinetry throughout your home.
Choice Interior High Gloss Paints For 2019
Wanting what professionals use in 2019 for a high gloss finish? ProClassic® is the answer. Combining a lifetime warranty, with a heavy bodied enamel coating, bringing attention to mantels, crown moldings, cabinetry, doors, & bookcases.
This product is special, and applying takes a professional painters touch, keeping a wet edge while laying it on. Having only a limited number of strokes, this product is magnificent if properly applied. However, this is not for your weekend warrior, or who has little painting experience.
The glossiest of them all, ProClassic® will last many enjoyable years to come, allowing a commercial setting of multiple cleaning scrubs. Once on, it's there to stay.
Below is a collection of paints in 2018, still on the shelves at your local paint stores.
Buying a can of paint should be easy. But walk into any home center or paint store and you’ll see just how confusing the choices can get. Brand lines keep expanding, and the price might jump by $5 to $20 per gallon.
The good news is that the perfect paint for your needs is out there, and this buying guide will lead you to it. We test dozens of interior and exterior paints in a variety of finishes to help you find the best one for the job and your budget.
Pick Your Paint
You can choose the most beautiful shade, but if the paint is mediocre, the end result is likely to disappoint. Our tests find that economy grades of interior paint don’t perform well overall, and you may need to apply three or four coats to cover dark colors. Paints scoring Very Good or Excellent in hiding cover most colors in one coat. Most of the tested paints are claimed to eliminate priming.
For More on Paint:
Best Exterior Paints From Consumer Reports’ Tests
5 Secrets to Great Paint Preparation
When to Call a Painting Contractor
How Long Does Leftover Paint Last?Interior Paint
Our interior paint ratings tell you how well a paint hides what’s underneath it, how smooth the finish will be, and whether the paint resists stains, scrubbing, gloss change, sticking, mildew, and fading.
Because a brand’s flat, eggshell, and semi-gloss formulations perform similarly overall, we’ve combined the scores into one to make it easier for you to choose.
Exterior Paint
Our exterior paint ratings indicate which paints are likely to last the longest on your home. We rate how a paint resists cracking, color change, dirt, and mildew.
The Best Interior Paints When Your Walls Need an Upgrade
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And there you have our lineup for 2019, giving away all of our secrets. Again, knowing there are many choices you can make, today there is not an inferior paint that will not perform the way you envisioned. Our technology today has come a complete about face, providing all of us a premium coating.
What marks 2019 different than 2018 is two fold, and we all get to relish with improvements.
One being a paint and primer combined into one coating, bonding, sealing, covering, and leveling much better. The two being many of this year's selections have a lifetime warranty. Do not know about you, but can't much better than lifetime.
Having used most of these listed from one time or another, our selections for 2019 keeps improving, to better serve your painting needs. Hope you enjoy painting, and look forward with any comments listed below.
[…] sometimes previously painted. If this happens, I would use same Japan Drier additive to your best interior paint first. Allowing paint to quickly dry, not lifting up […]
[…] Today, most exterior paints resist paint fade much longer! Wondering what you get buying Resilience® lifetime paint, opposed to Emerald® costing twice as much? Well, first thing is the higher price paint you purchase, the longer fade resistant that paint is. Continuing with keeping the paint sheen lasting much longer as well. […]
[…] only does Sherwin-Williams™ Emerald® win Best exterior paint brand for 2019, so does it win Best interior paint brand. Best in both categories inside & out for your home, looking like […]
[…] in place from painting ceilings, as this will come in handy for walls also. You will enjoy, using best interior paint, covering walls usually in one heavy even […]
[…] coating drywall, sanding, & smoothing. Once that those repetitive processes had dried, used best interior paint on walls up stairway, as this area is high traffic, making easier to […]
[…] paint sheens do not bond properly to semi-gloss, without priming using a flat paint first, using best interior paint brand, you can do anything your heart desires, painting any color you […]
[…] even that, same goes for best interior paints are much higher quality than those having a 10 to 25 year warranty. So if you can afford a premium […]
[…] Emerald® wins Best exterior paint for 2019, so it does Best interior paint brand also! Making Sherwin-Williams™ Emerald® best paint for your complete home, inside & […]
[…] not only for reasons listed above, but have never had a problem using any of their products. Plus using a superior paint brand makes our final paint job look that much […]
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