Looking For Top Painting Tools Most Beneficial
Top Painting Tools Assisting You, Saving Time & Money
Here is your guide discovering best painting tools experienced painters use, being most helpful, saving you tons. Quality painting tools, from an authority in painting, having over 40 years experience as a contractor, knowing what will benefit you the most, for your next paint job.
There are plenty of painting tools out there, just have to weed through, finding the best, in any profession. Narrowing them down, only a select few, thereby saving you tons of money, time and frustration, before, during, and after your painting process.
Have you ever bought something, but find out later, "That is a joke, I'll never buy that again." The painting industry is no different, having very many items that are there, really just to take your hard earned dollar, serving a purpose for the uninformed and inexperienced.
On the flip-side, have you ever bought something that worked extremely well? Purchased an item very well made, knowing it was best as soon as you picked it up, and started using it? Same goes for the painting industry, having many items with same categories. Knowing the old adage saying, "You get what you pay for'', could never be any truer with painting items also.
So below, we will go through the most useful, time and money saving items you can gather up for your next paint project.
Best Painting Tools Most Helpful Getting In Your Bucket, Before Painting Process
Outlining the best tools you will need before your painting project begins, will make your job start off on the right foot, keeping you glad you started this project for your spouse or friend, with everything going as smoothly as the paint being applied.
First off, I'm sure you have determined if this project will be interior or exterior, however Great News! Most hand paint tools we use, are for both interior as well as exterior. This is Great, since you can reuse them, next time you paint.
#1, 2 Best Painting Tools
Every full fledged painter with the least amount of experience will have a 5 or 7 Way sticking out of their side or back pocket. The 5 Way or 7 Way is a Painters Tool most handy for a various range of uses. From opening a can of paint, to cleaning a paint roller skin. Using it as a Flat-head or Phillips-head screw driver, hammer, scraper, trowel, flat edge, sharp corner, knife, razor, spacer, this painting tool the most helpful, and a must have, even for the novice weekend painter. Knowing how useful a 5 Way is, I can bet you'll find uses for it long after the paint project is finished.
- Open a can of paint
- Cleaning a roller skin
- Use as a screwdriver
- Use as a hammer
- Can be a scraper
- Spread as a trowel
- Sharp corner
- Knife
- Razor
- Spacer
Assisting the 5 Way is the 4'' putty knife. So many uses, this tool is a standard in every paint bucket.
#3 and 4 Best Painting Tools
Third Best Painting Tool before your project begins is none other than a razor knife. Very handy, cutting plastic, tape, rags, There are basically two kinds of razor knifes painters use. One is disposable, the other is not. Would recommend the non-disposable kind, which allows you to replace blades as they become dull. Pricing for both kinds of razor knives is very similar, both being under $10.00.
- Cutting paper, tape, drywall
- Cutting old caulk, plastic sheathing
- Using to open containers, bottles, boxes, cardboard
- Cut rags, cords, spacers, bags
- Score surfaces, or anything else you need a sharp cutting edge
#5 Best Painting Tool
Fifth Best Painting Tool to have on hand before the painting project starts is a 3-M® masker. Making it a breeze to mask anything you don't want to get painted, or over-sprayed. Anything from inside cabinets, to outside lights, this is your tool. Normally comes with a film blade, which cuts drop film or brown paper. However, an almost useless tool is a paper blade. Costing the same, this only cuts paper, but haven't seen many jobs, not requiring both paper and plastic. Your best served making sure masker comes with a film blade, having many more smaller teeth, therefore not having to switch blades out either.
Plastic housing, 3 M purchased the patent from someone back in the 80's, that was first developed having a metal frame housing. All maskers now are light weight, almost indestructible plastic. Still have one of those laying around, but talking about an antique?
- Mask windows, doors
- Cover baseboards, trim
- Protect roofing, glass, concrete
- Mask interior of cabinets, hardware, vents
- Prepare anything you don't want paint on it, with either brown paper or drop film plastic
#6 Best Painting Tool
Sixth, is the infamous caulking gun. Several things to look for when buying your caulking gun, making your paint job go as professionally as possible. First, you want to make sure it's Dripless! If not, you'd better release the pressure each time, or you'll be wasting caulk, as it'll continue to ooze out. Tubes of caulk is not smart! Next thing you'll want to make sure your new caulking gun has is a folding 'Nail' to puncture any tube sealed from the factory. Another handy feature, some have it some don't, is a full hook on the end. Making it an ease to hang off your painters paints, or ladder, when not using it.
- Dripless
- Folding nail
- Hook
Believe it or not, some caulking guns do not have any of these features, making it an almost joke to who is selling these. Not to mention the aggravation for the one using it.
#7 Best Painting Tool in your arsenal, tackling a project is The Almighty Paint Brush. A very key tool that will either make your brush strokes nearly perfect, or leave paint finish very unprofessional. Just about every painter in this country will agree Purdy® is your best choice when it comes to brushes. This will be your best buddy as long as you care for it, properly cleaning it after each use.
A quality paint brush shown below will make your work as quality as like Michelangelo! With years of painting enjoyment. Pictured below is a 3 1/2'' Purdy XL. Purdy has a complete line of brushes, easiest found at your local Sherwin-Williams Paint Store.
Best Painting Tools Most Helpful During the Painting Process
#8 Best Painting Tool
Eighth Most Helpful Painting Tool you will need painting your home is a Broken Arm in painters terms. Official term is the Shur-Line Brush Extender®. Wondering why a broken arm is one of the best tools for painting? Well, we as painters, and painting contractors could not live without one. Saving pulling out the ladder in many cases, touching up hard to reach areas. Another tool saving you time and money. I've even used it on a 24' extension pole, with my 6' reach, touching up something 30' high!
Broken Arms screw into the extension poles, with a 4 sided clip holding the brush securely in place. Having a wingnut, giving you the ability to set it at any angle you may need.
Everyone Needs a Broken Arm, Painting Walls and Ceilings! For those hard to reach areas.
Best Painting Tools to Most Helpful After the Painting Process
#9,10,11 Best Painting Tools
Ninth Best Painting Tool needed with the paint roller is a 5 gallon bucket and grid or speed bucket, depending on the size of your roller. A 5 gallon paint bucket serves a 9'' roller frame, and grid. Roller Grids almost a necessity especially for the inexperienced, rolling off excess paint before taking it out onto the wall or ceiling.
- 5 Gallon Bucket
- 9'' Roller frame
- Paint grid
What's good about this system is, if you're not finished one day, you can drop the screen down inside the bucket with roller, sealing it with the lid for use the next day, again, saving you more time and money.
#12 Best Painting Tool
Twelve, Most Important Painting Tool saving you hours of time, is a Speed Bucket. Speed buckets developed for wider rollers, 14'' and 18''. Made out of hard durable plastic, comes with a built-in grid. Speed buckets also come with a frame which attaches to a ladder if needed. This makes a good handle when carrying paint in it, or container of paint tools when empty.
This is a very well thought of painting tool, being low to the ground, having ladder hardware, working as a handle when carrying it to next area. Notice the corner spout to pour off excess paint back into original container. Not showing you a brand new Speed Bucket, showing we use them regularly on most commercial painting jobs, with tons of painting surfaces. And yes, this saves time and money like you would not believe!
- Ladder clip/hardware
- Corner spout
- Grid
- Low profile
- Will accommodate 14'' & 18'' paint rollers
Everybody knows you know what your doing, when you walk on a job with one of these 14'' Wooster Roller Frames and Speed Bucket. The Wooster roller frame turns on both ends, making the application always rolling smoothly. This helps during cleanup as well, saving more time and money.
#14 Best Painting Tool
Going in conjunction with the Wooster Roller Frame is the Bestt Liebco Triple A Lambskin Wool Roller Covers is indeed, the very best of all roller skins.
We select only the "heart of the pelt" for our Triple A covers. All skins are chrome-tanned to resist delamination in both oil and latex paints. The skin is hand sewn and epoxy set on a heavy-duty, solvent resistant phenolic core.
• Naturally absorbent for the finest paint pickup and release
• Excellent with oil-base paints and stains
Lasting a long time, keeping them clean after use. Carefully storing them for your next use.
#15 Best Painting Tool
Wooster puts out one of the very best roller frames period. Yes, others have 14'' frames and handles, but that's where it stops. Wooster puts in movable ends, and metal clips to hold roller skin in place, without any slippage whatsoever! These ends makes cleanup and removal so much easier, after a long day. So Wooster gets the prize making the very best roller frame in our book.
- Movable ends for easy clean-up
- Hard plastic cage
- Metal clips on the inside
- Heavy Duty construction
#16, 17, 18 Best Painting Tools
Not including the infamous Winnie roller and frame set-up would be a huge mistake as so many others have not included. This comes in handy, saving tons of time, equaling money, painting various areas for a fine paint finish on a larger scale. Doors, Mantels, Handrails, Window ledges, and any large flat surface, needing a fine paint finish.
The bucket you'll be using is a 2 1/2 gallon ''Cut bucket''. Easy to pour in and out of. The Winnie roller set-up is our choice, and should be yours!
Winnie roller frames come in 4'', or 6'', long reach or short. Roller skins come in foam, or cotton/polyester.
- Winnie roller frame long or short & skin
- Cut Bucket
- Cut bucket grid
#19 Best Painting Tools
There is not a painting job that goes by without using a sanding block. Normally using a medium on one side, fine on the other. We generally like the angle on one side, for getting into corners and crevices. A normal paint job requires a half dozen of these throughout the job, but depends on exactly what your doing.
#20 Best Painting Tool
The Little Giant Ladder is got to be the most versatile and best built ladder in the world! All others try to duplicate, but don't even come close. Just one use of the Little Giant, and you too will feel the difference. Yes, ladders of different manufactures can have the same weight capacities, but not everyone has the best in the smallest details, from welding, rivets, catches, pins, foot-pegs, etc. These are reasonably priced, worth just for the aluminum it's made out of.
When they first came out, looked at this as a fad. Now, the Little Giant Ladder systems is one of the main things we carry upon a job-site. Not to mention, safety is key. The Little Giant Ladder is so sturdy, safety is felt each and every time our painters are up on one.
Little Giant Ladder has a complete line of accessories for your next painting project, lasting a lifetime!
#21 Best Painting Tool
The Canvas Drop-cloth comes in number 9, being a must for any painting project. A quality canvas drop absorbs spills, splatters, and drips, making cleanup that much easier. Canvas Drops are extra heavy weight. All seams double stitched, and highly absorbent.
Canvas Drop Cloths come in Butyl coated back, or 10 oz canvas. Find more here: Trimaco Eliminator Butyl Drop Cloth
Depending on the size job, you'd better have a gang of these on hand. Sheets and runners alike.
#22 Best Painting Tool
Another tool nearly required, unless you want to spend twice as long painting, is the extension pole, making almost every painting project a necessity, having a variety of these on hand.
Attaching paint rollers, Winnie rollers, and Broken Arms to the end, getting further away from your work, helping with the ease of getting the paint on the wall in record time.
Extension poles come in a wide range of lengths, from 3' to 24'. You will be best to determine what length you'll need, but remember your actual height, and reach when figuring. If the ceiling is 12' tall, you'll need a 4' to 8' long E-pole.
#23 Least We Not Forget The All Important Paint Brush
Without the paint brush, very little painting will be accomplished. Finding the best paint brush is you're first obstacle having in your arsenal of painting tools. Never short-changing the work, even before it begins with an inferior brush. Paying the bit extra is well worth the money it will save in the long run.
Now, I've seen so much offered in the stores, and online, many are worthless as the cardboard packaging it's wrapped up in. Mainly sold to DIY'ers who paint once in they're lifetimes. Like clip-on drip paint visors on a gallon can, causing more drips than it saves. Best to use your new Purdy® 3'' angle paint brush to wipe off the excess, after pouring it out into your cut bucket.
Later in another article, (so stay tuned) we will discuss the worst, most useless painting tools, but for now, these listed are the ones you want to get your hot hands on, saving you tons in the long run.
If your thinking this is a lot of tools to gather up, not really wanting to paint in the first place, we recommend you find a reputable painting contractor , providing the best painters to do this for you.
Here in Denver, we are the ones you'll want to contact today!
Either way, we would like to hear from you in the comment section below!
Best of Luck & Enjoy Painting
[…] painting jobs. Having written an article just on that, you can find that list clicking on the Best Painting Tools most helpful, saving time and […]
Ha, yea me too. I’m glad we have a list and variety of painting tools to choose from. The ones having the very best qualities stand out above all the rest.
[…] hands, but hold off. You're next step after the exterior has dried, (normally 24-48 hours), is scraping any loose paint. Using a 5 or 7 Way tool is your best suggestion. Similar to a dental hygienist using a tool checking for plaque, but again, on a much larger […]
[…] best scraping tool is using a 5 way or 7 way. Checking every area for loose paint by tapping, listening for any hollow air pocket sounds. If you […]
[…] painting tools, including but not limited to a good quality paint brush, roller pan, roller skin, drop […]
[…] to the final outcome. If you are a beginner painting trim, even the more reason to have the best painting tools in your paint bucket of tools, trust […]
[…] will require several other tools, in you're arsenal or collection of instruments. Having the best painting tools is best choice and advice I can […]
[…] Needing 20 Top Best Painting Tools, Most Helpful? […]
[…] brush, roller, or paint sprayer, you'll need a host of other hand painting tools at your disposal, such […]
[…] used, masking areas, making straight lines is beneficial making straighter lines, while speeding up painting process. Always good to test areas masking, making sure no paint migration under tape […]
[…] you do not know what best painting tools to use, you can always get advice at your local paint store outlet. Counter help knows what sells […]
[…] tell you how important having a sharp razor knife in your tool or breast pocket. Cutting plastic sheathing, masking materials, old paint, or a […]
Where can I purchase that red speed bucket shown in your 20 best supplies blog? I used to use that type and I can’t find them anywhere now. What is the brand? Thanks!